Friday, January 31, 2014


Who do you look up to in life? Why? What have they done to help you or guide you?

I look up to my father because he works really hard and one day I hope to be a little bit like him and I hope that one day I will be part of the military and will work just as hard. He has helped me by leading me and pushing me to do my best and even though we don't live under the same roof I still respect him and he has also helped me with my school work.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Tell me about the global issue you selected yesterday.restate your paragraph from yesterday.

The global issue I chose yesterday was Drones and Unmanned Vehicles. In my paragraph I wrote about what I know about and what I would like to find out how they are helping us.

Monday, January 27, 2014

PSA: Smoking


If you could pick one issue in the world to fix or change what would it be and why?

I would fix Violence. I would fix violence because without violence the would would be safer and no one would ever get hurt/killed. Without people getting killed we would have to be sad if someone died in a gun fight. Also we wouldn't have to spend money on weapons and we wouldn't be in debt.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


What is a Public Service Announcement? If you don't know what it is, Google it. In your own words, now tell me what it is? What are they used for? Can you recall an example of a PSA you've seen before?

A PSA is an announcement to the people to inform them about a certain topic. They could also be advertisements to get you interested into something. These could come from the radio, television, internet, and/or magazine. An example could be when your watching you tube videos and before the video actually starts it would give you an advertisement. There could be also an informational matter that they might give you.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Tell me about your three day weekend. How was it? What did you do? Elaborate!

For my three day weekend my grandparents came to my house. We played darts, golf, and bowling on the Xbox, and we played lots of card games like cribbage. I also had a friend come over and we had a big Nerf battle and played Xbox.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Who Am I Presentation


What have you learned about Google Drive and Google Presentation so far? What do you like about it? What problems have you run in to? Is it better than PowerPoint?Explain.

I learned a lot about Google Drive because it is new to me and I haven't learned or used it before. I think it is a little bit better than PowerPoint because it is a lot simpler. What I like about it is that it is easy to use and simple. Problems I've run into are changing URLs into a simpler word like source.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Tell me if you agree with this statement and then explain why or why not. "Images on the internet are 'free game' - if someone posted I should be able to use it.

I disagree with that statement. Taking images off the internet without citing is plagiarism. Usually the person that published it used it for personal reasons. So if you take photos from that persons site then you will need to use a bibliography to show that you didn't steal it from that person.

Friday, January 10, 2014


What I want to learn this semester?

What I want to learn this semester is how to learn to use a computer correctly and how it will help me later on in life. I want to learn different programs that will help me in later professions and work. What I want to walk away with is the knowledge of a computer and how to help other and myself with other struggles that will come up in life.