Sunday, May 18, 2014

Who do You Think You Are?


My name is Jadyn Andera and this is the history of my epic family. During this project I learned part of my family history and learned more then I thought had existed in our family. I started my journey by asking my parents 20 Questions. After learning more family history I moved onto my e-mail, that was sent to my biological father to learn anything that I had not already learned before. After I gathered all my info I made my family tree that envolves 15 of my realitives. After that I made a interesting family tree on Prezi that could interest you. And finally I made a five frame story board with some of the most interesting pictures I could find.

Monday, May 5, 2014


I think that the short movie that we watched was really entertaining and had many true facts to go along with the video and how everything he said was true. During the video I was thinking in my head and thought about it and realized that what he said in that video was true and maybe we should start to look away from technology and start interacting with people in person.